Actress, director, playwright and founding member of the Companyia Hongaresa Teatre along with Lluïsa Cunillé and Paco Zarzoso. Graduated in Dramatic Art from ESAD, postgraduate at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) in London, the city where she trained and carried out part of her brilliant acting career. Scholarship from the UIMP to study with John Strasberg and Calixto Bieito; has taken courses at the Weber London Academy and the Odin Theatre; workshops with José Sanchis Sinisterra, Victoria Santacruz, Esteve Grasset, Pere Planella, J. C. Plaza and Sergi Belbel; and collaborations with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Notting Hill Gate Theater (alongside Stephen Daldry and Laurence Boswell). Since the creation of her company in 1995, she has participated as an actress in all the shows released. It has also been directed by Irene Papas and Xavier Albertí among others.
Among the texts of his creation, Al-a-mar and Isola stand out. In recent years she has produced the dramaturgy of the works she has directed about important and forgotten women: Encendidas, on texts by the poet Paca Aguirre, 2018 National Poetry Prize; María la Javelina, based on texts about the life of this young militiawoman wounded on the Teruel front and poems by Rafael Alberti, Paca Aguirre and César Vallejo.
Among the awards obtained, the Barcelona Critics’ Award for best actress for Libración stands out.


Year of birth: 1959
Height: 163cm (5’4”)
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown


Spanish - English - Valencian


Best Actress Award from the Critics of Barcelona (1995) for her performance in the play LIBRACIÓN.

Amiga del Cinema Award (2002) at the Sagunto Short Film Festival.



“Prima Donna”. Dir. Alicia Puig.
“El ladrón de multas”. Dir. R. Montesinos.
“Sin barandillas”. Dir. J. R. Soriano.
“Solitud”. Dir. Giovana Ribes.
“Noticia breve”. Dir. J. R. Soriano.
“La tierra de la esfinge”. Dir. J.R. Soriano.


“Ultramarins”. of Paco Zarzoso.
“Encendidas”. of Paca Aguirre.
“La cantant calba al McDonalds”. of LLuïsa Cunillé.
“Serenata para un país sin serenos”. of Paco Zarzoso.
“Adeu encara”. of Laia Cárdenas.
“María la jabalina”. of Lola López.
“Salón primavera”. of Paco Zarzoso and Lluïsa Cunillé.
“Hilvanando cielos”. of Paco Zarzoso.
“Aquel aire Infinito”. of Lluïsa Cunillé.
“Patos salvajes”. of Lluïsa Cunillé, Lola Lopez and Paco Zarzoso.
“El alma se serena”. of Lluïsa Cunillé and Paco Zarzoso. Dir. Paco Zarzoso.
“L’última paraula”. of Paco Zarzoso. Dir. Joan Peris.
“El mal de Holanda”. of Paco Zarzoso. Dir. Xavier Albertí.
“The good society”. of Liza Goldman. Dir. L. Goldman.
“Revenge of the Love cannibals”. Dance-Teather. Dir. S. Stone and E. Clarck.
“No exit”. of J.P. Sartre. Dir. Aksel Otto Bull.