She began her stage career by joining the company Moma Teatre in 1987. There she studied acting at the school belonging to the company. Her alma mater is Carles Alfaro and under her direction she participated in productions such as Basted, the company’s star work, La cantant calva directed by JoaquĂ­n Hinojosa, El cas Woyzech by the great BĂĽchner and Nascuts culpables. For this last work she received the award for Best Actress Premis Arts Escèniques de la GV and was nominated for the Max Awards as Best Supporting Actress in 2001.
As of 2002, she began to collaborate with other Valencian companies, with whom she created unusual productions such as Un de sol, an adventure about coffee and loneliness, El milagro de Ana Sullivan for which she was nominated for the Generalitat awards, Una llamada para Pirandelo at the MarĂ­a Guerrero, Pasionaria, a work of creation with Jorge PicĂł, Nit i dia and later 13 creations by Carles Alberola. A mind-blowing journey was The Goldberg Variations, a production of Teatres de la Generalitat directed by Josep Maria Mestres back in 2005 and Las sillas directed by Joaquim Candeias, work for which she received the award Millor Actriu Protagonista Premis AAPV in 2010. In 2012 she toured with Canciones de amor con queso, para tomar aquĂ­ o para llevar, a jewel by Abel Zamora. Other more recent productions are Temporada Baja, M’esperĂ s?, Cinc actrius lligen Rodoreda; El verĂ­ del teatre de Teatre Micalet, which brought her a nomination for the Max awards; and with the same company, she has also produced El Nom and El jardĂ­ dels cirerers; Els esperantistes, a unique text by Paco Zarzoso, for the company Aprop Teatre. In her period of collaboration with the IVC she performed at the Rialto plays such as Les Saurines by Mafalda Bellido and Dinamarca by Rodolf Sirera. Her latest work is “Perquè t’estime, que si no…” by Carles Alberola.
In 2002 she started her relationship with the audiovisual world in the series El pantano, and was followed by long-term projects in C9 with the production company Conta Conta and Albena Teatre, such as Autoindefinits , ManiĂ tics for which she received the award for Best Leading Actress in the X Tirant Awards 2008, Check-in hotel, UniĂł musical Da capo, Açò Ă©s un desrarifo and L’AlquerĂ­a blanca, an iconic series of Ă€punt.She also participated in national series, such as Las estupendas, where she crossed with Usun Yun; and in the feature film Les dues vides d’Andres Rabadan in Barcelona. She was also the curator in the series Las señoras del Hampa. She met the great IcĂ­ar BollaĂ­n in El olivo.
She has made short films of which the following stand out: Algo queda, Bienvenido a casa by Miguel LeĂłn and Sinvivir, a short film by Abel Zamora, for which she received the AAPV award as Millor Actriu d’Audiovisual.As a director, her works include Espinacs, Swimming Pool, Julieta y Romeo, El afilador de pianos, Nosotras no somos de llamarnos.
In 2024 she worked on the feature film “Bodegón con fantasmas” and has released the short film “Troleig”, directed by Luís E. Pérez, which won the Audience Award at the Malaga Film Festival and a nomination for Best Female Performance at the Fugaz Awards.


Year of birth: 1965
Height: 160 cm (5′ 3″)
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown


Spanish - French - Valencian


Nomination Premios Fugaz al Cortometraje Español for “Best Female Interpretation” 2024.
Award “Best Interpretation in Short Film” at the Riurau Film Festival 2024.
“Best Actress” Award in the National Contest of Cortos Orcasitas Cencor 2024.
Award for “The Best Interpretation” in the Quart de Poblet 2024 Festival-Competition of Short Films and Screenplays.



«Favàritx».TV ON  Productions films and la Portuguesa Volf Entertaiment.
«Després de tu». À punt / TV3 in association with Albena Productions.
«Señoras del (h) AMPA». T5. Productions Mandarina.
«Açò és un destarifo». Albena Productions . À punt.
«L´alquería blanca». Era visual/C 9.
« Unió musical Da capo». Conta Conta Productions /Albena Productions. C 9.
«Chekin hotel». Conta Conta Productions /Albena Productions . C 9.
«Maniatics». Conta Conta Productions /Albena Productions. C 9.
«Autoindefinits». Conta Conta Productions /Albena Productions.C 9.
«Las estupendas». Zebra. T 5.
“El  pantano”. Boca Boca Productions. A 3.
«Severo Ochoa. La conquista de un Nobel». Dir. Sergio Cabrera. RTVE.


“BodegĂłn con fantasmas”. Dir. Enrique Buleo. Quatre Films – Spain, Ikki films – Francia.
“Me esperarás”. Dir. Carles Alberola.
“El olivo”. Dir. Iciar BollaĂ­n.
“Las dos vidas de AndrĂ©s Rabadán”. Dir. Ventura Durall.
“El amanecer de un sueño”. Dir. Freddy Mas Franqueza.
“La tarara del chapao”. Dir. Enrique Navarro.


“Troleig”. Dir. Luis E. PĂ©rez Cuevas. (IVC), el ICAA y Ă€punt Mèdia. BIZNAGA DE PLATA DEL PUBLICO FESTIVAL DE MALAGA 2024.
“Benvingut a casa”. Dir. Miguel Marcos.
“Sinvivir”. Dir. Abel Zamora.
“Vanuatu o la felicidad”. Dir. Rafa Piqueras.
“La quarantamaula”. Dir. Josep Pitarch Garrido.
“Algo queda”. Dir. Ana Lorenz.
“Un año y un dĂ­a”. Dir. Josep Pitarch Garrido.
“El caso de Marcos Rivera”. Dir. Pedro Uris.
“La kedada”. Dir. Arturo Franco y Kiko MartĂ­nez.
“Hora punta”. Dir. Jaume Bayarri.
“Julia”. Dir. MercĂ© RodrĂ­guez.


“BarahĂşnda”. Dir. Gemma Miralles. IVC.
“Anestesiadas”. Dir. Rafa Calatayud. Olympia Metropolitana.
“Dinamarca”. Dir. Carles Alfaro. IVC.
“El nom”. of Matthieu Delaporte. Dir. Joan Peris.
“El jardĂ­ dels cirerers”. Text  AntĂłn ChĂ©jov. Version Manuel Molins. Dir. Joan Peris.
“Els esperantistes”. Dir. Paco Zarzoso. Aprop teatre.
“El verĂ­ del teatre”. Dir Joan Peris. Teatre Micalet.
“El sopar dels idiotes”. Dir. Carles Sanjaime. Olympia Metropolitana.
“Cinc actrius lligen Rodoreda”. Dir. Pepa Juan. El Far Production.
“Mecbeth”. Dir. Jaime Pujol. Ornitorrincs.
“Hecatombe”. of Jordi Pla. Lagartera Teatre.
“M’esperaras?”. of Carles Alberola. Production: Albena Teatre.
“Temporada baja”. of Abel Zamora. Dir. Sergio Caballero. Production: CulturArts Generalitat.
“Valèntia”. Production: Projecte Veus.
“Canciones de amor con queso”. Dir. Sergio Caballero. Oscura teatre.
“Los monĂłlogos de la vagina”. Dir. Gabriel Olivares.
“Las sillas”. Dir. Joaquim Candelas. Tornaveu.
“13”. Dir. Carles Alberola. Albena Teatre.
“Las variaciones Goldberg”. Dir. Joseph MarĂ­a Mestres. Teatres de la Generalitat.
“Pasionaria”. Dir. Jorge PicĂł. Bambalina.
“Lennon”. Dir. Gemma Miralles. Bambalina.
“El milagro de Anna Sullivan”. Dir. Rafael Calatayud. La Pavana.
“Nascucts Culpables”. Dir. Carles Alfaro. Moma Teatre.
“Uno SĂłlo”. Dir. Victoria Salvador.  Combinats.
“Alicia”. Dir. JoaquĂ­n Hinojosa. Bambalina Titelles.
“Tal vez, Eva Luna” Dir. Juli CantĂł. Kabuki Productions.
“Nit i dĂ­a”. Dir. Carles Alberola. L’horta Teatre.
“El cas Woyzeck”. Dir. Carles Alfaro. Moma Teatre.